rainy friday. i guess i just go through times where i feel like blogging and times where i don't. i don't think i am the best writer in the world so it feels some what pointless. however, i guess you don't have to be the "best writer" to blog occasionally if you know what i mean.
here are some random friday ramblings....
it's finally mid-april and it's
sort of spring. today is one of those gloomy days where its 40 degrees and cloudy and rainy, but because the weather hasn't been too bad lately its a little easier to stomach.
i finally "splurged" and got a chambray shirt and i am happy with it. i sort of wish i could wear it everyday, but i think that would be too much. and i say "splurged" because it was only $18 at target and i don't know if one can consider that a
splurge, but it is for me.
my sister thinks i should start a series about adventures in beantown (aka boston). i haven't decided. especially since i am a slacker blogger. i have got to go some cool places - like martha's vineyard lately, but we'll see if it goes anywhere.
the other night i told philip - there are a few words i just can't remember how to spend. decision being one of them. it was funny to say something like that out loud when you realize i just auto-correct it all the time. i felt sort of dumb, but he said he sometimes misspells "pursue" so there you have it.
this is a super-rambling post, you are welcome. and deserve a prize for reading.
in effort to continue the random-ness - i am wearing one the fabric headbands i used to make. i love them, but they were too hard to make in the transition of moving last year, but i love wearing it when i am having a bad hair day...should i bring them back?
happy friday. weekend!!
also, if you want to follow along with blog lovin' since google reader is leaving i am on there.