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thoughts on sleep.

i miss it.

since we moved the summer before last, jude has been on a baaaad sleeping track. from what i can remember, he slept ok in Virginia. once we started the moving process last summer, he started waking in the middle of the night. that became a habit all summer long that took until october of last year.

however, he never has slept as late as he used to. i am afraid he is just one of those people that doesn't need a ton of sleep. philip is sort of like that. i happen to be one of those people that prefers a lot of sleep. i am not exactly a night or morning person, but i just like to have enough sleep.

right now our schedule has been:  bed time around 7-7:30pm. jude used to sleep until 6am (which was still a struggle for me), but despite it getting darker in the mornings and black out curtains AND blinds (!), jude has been waking at 5am. argggg. plus even if we just let him cry it out or give him his pacifier, he is too noisy for us to continue to sleep and i know he can get out of crib, which is somewhat terrifying.

so, please, anyone out there have any sleep tips for two-year-olds?

we love having the evenings that philip is actually home to ourselves, but i desperately miss sleeping past 5-6am. we also have never noticed a difference with his sleep no matter what time he goes to bed. homeboy has not slept in since i do not know when.

oh, also to cope, we have taken turns getting up with Jude. i do not know how we would make it otherwise. oh and coffee. and jesus.
source // 

*is this post too dramatic? i'm sorry. 


jude is two!

how fitting that we celebrated at saranac, our second home? with our crazy fall schedule - my sister emily gets married in early november plus the normal crazy fall Young Life schedule, we decided just to keep it simple and celebrate at camp since we were going to be there on Jude's actual birthday. our 30 leaders and leaders in training helped sing to Judah and I made oatmeal cookies and put mini reeses in them. i also made one of my fall favorites a pumpkin spice latte. 

we seem to have hit the terrible twos early, but jude seems to be turning a corner and is more and more fun and lovable every day. 

a few words about judah at two
+ loves to play with trucks, trains, anything that pushes
+ is saying more and more every day, but is still not a big talker
+ favorite word: no (this can be frustrating at times...) & truck
+ favorite book: oddly enough, a book that my parents had made about me when I was baby seems to be one of his faves
+ sleeps through the night 7ish pm - 6ish am, but we still wish he was a little later of a sleeper
+ loves thomas the train & anything on trucks
+ still loves the nursery or any opportunity to play with other kids & new toys
+ when we say i love you, he will come and give us a kiss 

here is a quick video from camp of the north shore leaders singing to jude (sorry the quality is being funny)


shop update

i have been busy adding new items to my shop. 
here are a few of my favorites! 

i will be adding more magnets soon, but here is a new one. the triangle fabric was designed by me. 

 i had some requests for hokie fabrics...perfect for fall! 

finally, i have add more hair ties + just added headbands to the mix again. i love these arrows + aztec headbands! 

thanks for checking in! be back soon with a two year old baby boy update!

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