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old man winter - i am done.

I think everyone is probably feeling about the same way...but I am so. over. this. winter. I feel like I have not taken off my smartwools since December. I obsessively check the forecast - especially the ten day to see, when is this puppy going to turn around? (that's not an expression...) But with 20's still in our forecast, there is no sign of change.

getting up for campaigners on friday mornings when it's 6 degrees is potentially one of the hardest part of this stinkin winter

I feel like we are barely getting by. God is definitely caring me through this tough season, as a seasonally depressed, still having morning sickness, pregnant woman with a toddler that had his second round of the evil stomach bug this week. Some of my "spring" milestones have come and gone and some things are better, like the time of daylight - praise God for the spring forward! Its light until 6:30 and I needed the sunshine, but I dreamed that in March, we could at least get out of walks some days and those days seem to be about once a week for a brief hour in the afternoon.

Somethings that have helped me get through this crappy-never ending winter...

  • We joined the Y. I feel like the Y might be a motherhood loophole. Free babysitting while you work out and shower...yes please. It has also been a lifesaver as far as getting a chance to workout. Doing a few pilates moves was not helping me keep excess baby weight off, but this as at least slowed unnecessary weight gain. 
  • Ann Voskamp. She is in snowy Canada and always has something that encourages me to share. Her weekend links always make me cry, but in a good way. But I liked this post on the "Snowmaggedon" & the comparison to God's grace...

Graceageddon. It won’t stop coming, covering your mistakes, covering you in love. There’s got to be more than 5 feet out there in the orchard? - Ann Voskamp

  • The hope that things will change & the baby is still doing well (25 weeks today!)
  • Judah is sleeping better. Not great. Still sometimes up a little before 6, but hasn't been pulling anything to crazy and hasn't been getting out of his crib. 
  • Philip has built us a ton of stuff for the house...his latest project that I posted on instagram...a headboard. 

so that's a little bit of me. Haven't felt like posted because I haven't wanted to just be a negative nancy ...but I am hanging in there trying to enjoy the gracemaggedon even when things feel like they aren't going my way.