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new keychains + a coupon

finally...some new keychains up in the shop! and just for fun i've discounted keychains 15% off. use code // FALL {sale runs until next tuesday}

mini keychains // approximately 3 inches long. this is the size i currently use and i actually just slip it on my finger when i am running out of hands. 

and full size wristlets // about 5.5 inches in length when folded + fits an average sized wrist

the full size have my new logo on the inside...woot!

also! not advertised, but I am started to monogram individual letters so email me [onedelightfulbutton [AT] gmail.com if you have a monogram request for an additional $2. and if you want a mini design on a wristlet or vice versa...email me and i am happy to customize one for you. 

happy tuesday! 


October Goals

philip and jude at saranac...aka the most beautiful place on earth
but first...september in review 

  • Exercise 3-4 times a week...mostly achieved i would say. yay!
  • Meal plan for the week...yes 
  • Weekly date night with Philip...yes...some weeks it meant eating in and ordering out to save money on a babysitter
  • Continue reading through my Bible in a year plan...ooh this is the roughest one, i'm sorry to say. it's been really hard to find time to read and be still. this will stay on my list for next month. 
  • Take at least one photo a week of Jude + Carter...mostly yes, but when i was changing carter last night, I thought i really need to keep taking photos. She's growing so fast! 
  • Sell or giveaway clothes I have not worn in over 2 years...yes, we had a crumby yard sale. we live on an unmarked street, but i have sold some things at my favorite local consignment shop and am consigning some online here. I think that link will earn me points if you sign up...fyi. 
  • New fall products online....mostly up, but not all. 

on to October!

  • Get my children to sleep through the night. Sleep is very important to me. I've had a lingering cold for over a week and I think it's caused by sleep deprivation or at least made worse. Carter is almost there - sleeping 9pm-5:30am and then going back to sleep for a little longer. Jude has had some troubles while sort of dropping his afternoon nap and then waking at I don't know...4AM!! My dream is to have them both sleep until 6am. Really 7am would be awesome, but let's start with 6 ;)
  • Find time to read the bible and pray. 
  • Continue to blog 1-2x a week. This was an unspoken goal last month that I decided to speak out loud. 
  • Be productive with my work time, but be present with my family time. I have had a ton more energy to put in my business again. Pregnancy is really hard for me. Once it was over, I finally have enjoyed my business and blog again, but I don't want to miss out on little moments with my family and friends in the midst of pursuing my business. 
linking up with hayley at the tiny twig. i've enjoyed writing monthly goals to help keep me focused...if you are writing monthly goals feel free to link up with hayley or share in the comment section!