I will 39 weeks pregnant tomorrow so I figured I'd do another quick update. The picture is actually 37 weeks though.
How Far Along: almost 39 weeks - holy cow!!
Size of baby: a watermelon, but more specifically at 38 weeks our ultrasound suggested she is around 7lbs 14oz - I grow really big babies...I just don't get get it
Maternity Clothes: I have about 3 or four outfits I am rotating through....it's sort of annoying, but only for a little bit longer. The weather has been pretty consistently nice (70s-low 80s) so I am mostly in the two maternity dresses I own or a maxi skirt because they are most comfortable.
Gender: girl! got some confirmation of this at our ultrasound which was nice because I have wondered if they could have made a mistake
Movement: yes - she is facing left. our midwife would like her to face right because she is less likely to turn sunny side up, but I can generally tell what limb might be poking me based on the way she is facing.
Sleep: I am still exhausted enough to sleep pretty well, but my hips and knees are hurting more at night.
Cravings: Fried Calamari...hmm....salty things still...
Symptoms: tired, low energy, sore hips starting to swell a little bit, have to go to the bathroom all the time...feeling like I can't stand being pregnant any longer
Best Moment this week: I think just the fact the we are finally at the end and get to meet our baby girl soon is pretty exciting.