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introducing carter belle...

Better late than never, right? As I mentioned in my last post, life has been much crazier with two little people in it. Carter was born in July and we had a friend Michael Curtis take photos of her. I do not always get around to sending a Christmas card every year, but I want to make a birth announcement a priority (no judgement if you did not do a birth announcement...I know postpartum life is crazy...). With lots of our friends and family being far-flung, I really wanted to send a card to stay connected and to announce our sweet Carter. 

We decided to go with this sweet announcement...

I decided to go for the lined envelopes because it makes the mail feel extra special. And just because I am a little obsessive when it comes to crafts...I decided to embellish the envelopes with washi tape that matched the color scheme of announcements. 

I have loved washi tape for several years now...I used to think it was called happy tape actually because I bought it from a site called 'happy tape', but know most people are familiar with washi tape and you can even buy it at target or staples.  I ordered online, but it was pretty easy to find a few tapes that matched our color scheme. 
I decided to vary the way I embellished the envelopes for my own entertainment. Some I embellished on the front of the envelope. 
Some I embellished on the backs. I guess you'd call that a back, right? I created the triangle or flags simply by cutting the washi tape, but I think the triangles are my favorite...
Of course, there's always just the easy torn washi tape, which looks fun and saves a lot of time! 

Do you have any fun ways to embellish envelopes with washi tape? 

Carter Belle, consider yourself officially announced. ;)

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