so much has happened with our house progress, but have not really taken the time to update you all besides on
instagram. things are really coming together. yes - there are some serious gaping holes in the whole look of the house. not literally, but you know, design holes. incomplete projects. we still do not have porch furniture...our yard is cleaner, but still a mess....we do not have a headboard...lots of walls are still bare, but let me tell you, this place is shaping up. i am really liking the way it looks so i am going to try to give a few room tours in the next few weeks.
so here is the living room...
this is the view from the entryway. so many thrifted, craiglist, flea market finds...just the way i like it! some details below
mantel found at a flea market (from a harvard apartment circa 1800s) which will be white soon!
bench - my parent's old bench - painted martha stewart sea glass
basket at the door...needs to be moved, but found in ipswich on the side of the road
one of the big changes we wanted to make was to cover that pointless bookshelf over the we did and moved the tv over. then in the funny little nook to the right of the fireplace, philip built a cabinet and shelves. right now the shelves are just sort of filled with random things - hope to do something a little more functional, yet stylized in the future.
the chair was one i found on the side of the road and recovered myself.
love this little table we got last week at todd farm flea market.
which matches my quilt from my g-ma, which are throughout the house.
(apparently my grandfather liked to collect quilts, which i think it brilliant and i am enjoying parts of his collection)
we love restoration hardware couch that we got on craiglist for $20 - insert happy dance!
we still have a few things to do...
not sure what to do about the plaid chair...hopefully recover it - not myself - with something that matches the room.
peace out girl scouts! more tours to come.