It feels like we ran a marathon. I didn't mention this prior, but the last month we spent at Rockbridge, a Young Life camp nestled in the mountains of Virginia. It was great. We got to be a part of something bigger than ourselves and see lives changes. It wasn't the easiest place to grow a baby. Overall it was good, but I left with a cold & am exhausted & missed fresh food.
I have started to feel like my belly hasn't grown. Baby is in the 80th percentile in I guess we are still on target. He already weighs about 5.5lbs.....and I have 6 weeks left! (Please don't get too big little baby...) Here are a few snapshots of me at camp...(mostly around 32 weeks)
The nursery is finally coming along. Will post pictures soon.
you look great! hang in there- the summer heat will pass before long!