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april highlights.

thank you spring for making yourself known to us. what a gift really. (philip & i say that "what a gift" joking a lot, but seriously, so grateful for spring and the impending summer) here's the fam on easter. our first family easter. 

it's cool jude don't look at the camera. 

we had a low-key easter. we went to church with friends & came home & ate homemade chocolate croissants & a quiche on our porch. i was feeling pretty proud of myself. here's jude again with his special bunny from bebe (my mom) & his fancy feltman brother's outfit (mom scored this at a yard sale for $1) which confirms my suspicion that i should only shop at yard sales as this one happened to have the pins in it still, unworn. 

moving on to more highlights. 
jude's first trip to the beach. 

not a lot to report, but look at those feetsies. yum. 

onto more fun. my friends, ashley & tyler, are getting married. i had the privilege of taking some engagement photos of them. i may share a few soon. but we discovered this awesome rope swing in seashore state park. the guys were doing the swing over and over again. we had andrew photo bomb their picture...

and then i decided i needed to try....
and then i decided i needed a picture of me trying...

however, i didn't swing out as far as the guys and it looks like i'm jumping on the sand. 


busy around the shop too. 
new headbands in the hizzouse. i love them. they are reversible & have super cute fabrics on both sides. 

happy weekend!

i'll be at b.original in town center on sunday from 12-5 for a little mini show.


1 comment:

  1. Hey there!! :)
    I just stumbled across your blog.
    It is so sweet.
    I loved the photos of your family from Easter + the rope swing photos had me laughing!!
    Happy weekend.
    much love, colie



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