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bathroom update.

We finished this bathroom quite awhile ago, but I never had a chance to post the pictures. So here they are...

Mirror from Walmart, Sink and countertop from Lowe's...we are frugal diy-ers...what can i say?...

Target shower curtain, TJ Maxx Rug

I went with an old school tile on the floor. I just like the look of the old tile. 

If you want a refresher on the old bathroom look here


hairs cut

Not the greatest picture in the world...but here's my hair cut. 

I just realized that it is strikingly similar my hair cut when I first met Philip & was graduating from college...

 I guess I am a creature of habit...


a tale of two houses

 well...one house...but doesn't it look like two? i still cannot believe that Philip did this all himself. 
...goodbye seafoam green...hello 21st century...

i'm still here.

My sister asked if my blog had died. No. It hasn't. I just have been busy and haven't been able to carve out anytime to blog/I haven't felt like I have had anything to say. Here are a few pictures to catch you up. 

Big news! The island is almost finished. And I love it! I was nervous about the butcher block and if we were making the right decision. Also nervous because Philip found a deal online. He tends to do this and it usually works out fine, but I was nervous that I wouldn't like it. We are really happy with it & with some paint, caulking & oil for the countertop it will be ready to go in a few days. 

I still need to find some stools though...

In other news, we had a lovely little snow a few weeks ago & it was a gift to me. I missed the big snow in Virginia Beach over Christmas so I enjoyed having a day off school & sleeping in. Fortunately it melted quickly & we've had a few warm days lately....hopefully more to come! 

That's all for now...enjoy your week!


a very sick valentine's weekend.

ughh. i am sick. and it's the weekend. i am sad. sorry no picture of the hair. i had philip take one today, but i don't have the energy to go get the cord for the camera.

we were supposed to go out tonight to either outback or carrabas (two of my favorites, plus we have a gift card) to celebrate valentine's day because our valentine's day will be celebrated with 100 of our high school friends at young life club on monday. this has been an interesting year of that happening. our anniversary, philip's birthday, and now valentine's day will all have fallen on a night we have young life. not that i am complaining. just an observation.

so instead of going out, i'm sitting on the floor in the kitchen while philip is making some sort of pasta shrimp dish. did i mention that i love him? and instead of me making these really yummy looking homemade peppermint patty treats i am listening to taylor swift in my pajamas. not because i want to, but because philip just hit play on my ipod and that's what came up.


oh runny nose & headache, please go away.

sorry if this is a downer. thank you philip for serving me and loving me when i am feeling this way.


goodbye long hair.

 Here I am around the time of Thanksgiving with my lovely long hair. I love having long hair. It is my favorite way for my hair to be, but I just couldn't take it anymore. Lately I have felt like I was just wearing it wet or messy, didn't feel like drying it, it was all tangled...

So I went to the Hair Cuttery and had it chopped off. I had no agenda - it was kind of thrilling. I had enough hair cut off that I could donate it to locks of love. Whaaat? I feel like in middle school I planned for a whole year to grow my hair long enough to donate it.

I would love to share a picture, however, my computer is not recognizing my isight camera (come on apple!).

I like having a change, but I don't think I am converting to short hair. You know when people look at your hair & they are like, do you like it? Well it's okay. I did it more out of frustration & function then belief that my hair looks better short.

On a side note, I am still really enjoying the Bachelor. I watch it the day after it runs & I am finding it so freaking entertaining. Please do not judge me. Michelle is a little bit evil for me, but it keeps me watching.

Anyways.....enjoy the rest of your week! Almost Friday!


new tab

I just wanted to draw your attention to the new tab above - {our home to do list} These are projects Philip and I still want to do. Some are listed that we have already done & have the links to them. I like that it gives me an idea of what we have done and what we still have left to do.

If you notice - install butcher block counter top is still not checked off. I am going crazy! Well not really, but it is really annoying to have a kitchen island and not be able to put things on it. We are ordering the countertop this week - yahoo! So I'll have pictures soon.

Enjoy your Sunday! 


grab bag.

 sorry emily. my sister has been bugging me about blogging, but i just have had too much going on this week. but finally...we will have a weekend home! we have been out of town the last two weeks & it makes the week feel so much busier. i have a list of things i want to do like bathe lucy, but i mostly want to relax and spend time with my boo. oh and i guess watch the super bowl, but i don't really care about the game.

lucy is bugging me as i am typing...

i am also hoping to make so chili since i haven't been cooking a lot of soup lately...& this is my favorite time of year to make soup. 

i also want to try & sew like i had mentioned last post. i was playing with shipping tags & made these little gift tags. i haven't decided what i'll do with them yet though...

they may be something i list or just use myself. i also have had fun making these aged shipping tags...

i am selling those in my pipe + dream shop though. 

anyways, hope your weekend is restful + fun!