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10 months!

alright ya'll. this is a good 1/2 month late, but at least i haven't thrown in the towel all together. moving has been a little more stressful on me than i expected.

when we hit 11 months i am going to start getting really sentimental because we'll be close to the 1 year mark! but as for now, this little man is wild. he is super active. what a blessing and a workout. i spend my days chasing him around and wrestling with him as when i am holding him in public he almost always tries to wiggle out of my arms.

he isn't walking yet as our doctor had anticipated. he seems like he is constantly on the cusp of walking, but i am in no rush considering i am paranoid about him bumping his head.

he is chewing some foods. i haven't been too ambitious with trying new things because we haven't seen a pediatrician in months since we haven't found one here yet. but his favorites are applesauce, shredded cheese and bananas.

he loves to babble and raise his voice. i think he starting to wave at people. i am signing "more", "please", and "milk", but i am not sure if i am consistent enough for him to really pick up.

it's been a great 10 months.

1 comment:

  1. happy 10 months lil man! I love those chunky thighs. ;)


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