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simple living diy's

i feel perpetually busy. do you? some times i think it is a choice on my part more than anything else. i like feeling busy and important. i am working on changing that. i'm trying not to clutter my day with unnecessary things, but i also like the idea of living less expensively (except for my weekly starbucks trips...that is a very necessary treat).

in light of this, thought i'd share a few of my pins on pinterest (links to my page) that have actually improved my life instead of making me feel bad about pinning things that i never actually do. one thing i am trying to do in actually check the link on what i pin...will i ever actually make this? if so then, i will pin it. besides a lot of stuff on there is spam now, fyi.

here's my list lately...

++ easy peasy shower cleaner - use a dishwashing wand while in the shower to clean - mix up this recipe

++ breakfast cookies - i made these first, but am hoping to try something a little crunchier with peanut butter soon

++ shredded chicken. frozen. best idea. i think i pinned this thought, but i just prepared a bunch of chicken and then shredded it and can take a bag out whenever i need it for a recipe.

++ homemade toothpaste and deodorant 

++ homemade laundry detergent

happy weekend...here's to a less stressful, less cluttered weekend...

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