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still sick

hello blogging world. i have not felt like saying much. i am still sick with the sweet little baby. i guess that is good, right? she or he does not like what i am having for breakfast. and i am trying to stomach some carrots as i type. yuck.

but its the weekend! yahoo! sometimes i think i am looking pregnant, but then sometimes i'm not sure. i'll be 17 weeks on tuesday & we go to the doctor on monday. i am still wondering if they will do an ultrasound or not....but in some ways i do not feel ready to know the sex. i kind of am ok not knowing now, but it will be exciting whenever we find out.

ere i am at 16weeks - a few days ago. i always look at other pregnant people and compare myself, but hopefully i will feel better after the appointment monday.

Pardon my appearance...for some reason I always have Philip take a picture at the end of the work day & I am never looking my best. Oh and I just had to add soft serve to the list of things not to eat....I appreciate all the encouraging comments about my posts a few weeks ago. But seriously, soft serve? There is a secret really long list of things you should not eat somewhere, but I don't know where to find it. 

Enjoy your weekend! 


  1. I don't know HOW women get through pregnancy without soft serve. I'm gonna be so screwed when my time comes! You are such a cute little pregger!

    Ps...got my buttons today, and, as always, i love you!

  2. Precious little belly showing now :-)

    Have a wonderful Saturday!



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